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OUTSIDE IR35 CONTRACTS – Advertisement aimed at small business exempt clients

05 January 2021 Comments off

1 minute


This is my advertisment to find Small Business Exempt clients in 2021     If this is you, and your small business falls under the government criteria (2 of 3), and in the near future, if you are considering hiring a Java contractor developer specialist, then you find my details: My Linkedin is here: […]

Exploring A New Brand Selection for the Java EE Platform (Rough Transcript)

23 November 2017 Comments off

3 minutes


Imagine going back in time to your childhood, imagine sitting again in the school playground with a white chalk in your hand. Playground has a large black tarmac surface. You stoop down low to the ground and draw the biggest and smoothest circle that you can with your big white chalk, you manage to draw […]

Digital Java EE 7 Training Series 1 Episode 1

19 October 2016 3 comments

1 minute


This episode is all about the marketing term Digital and what it means to the developers, designers and architect. In this talk, I provide the most clearest overview of Digital that I ever done. With this background, you will then appreciate how the industry is embracing Digital, including how businesses are transformation their processes, which […]

Follow up to the “Java EE in Crisis” article

10 June 2016 Comments off

2 minutes


Recently, I posted an blog article about the current crisis around Java EE. You might also be interested in an interview that I had with JAXenter (Java EE Guardians speak bluntly: “Java EE cannot be run exclusively by the community”). Adam Bien, a fellow Java Champion, also had his say on the current status of […]

Digital Development Java EE 7 Workshop – London – June 2016 – Agenda

04 May 2016 Comments off

4 minutes


Several people have wondered about workshop / training course on Java EE 7 development with a modern web architectural focus, in particularly, I know some people have asked for information on building sustainable and adaptive software digitally. I am announcing a two day training course in London on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June 2016 […]

Digital Java EE 7 2016 Series 1 Episode 4 Mac OS X Gradle and Xen Tracker

01 March 2016 Comments off

1 minute


A few of you have been waiting for an instructional video for building the XenTracker application from my first book. XenTracker is a fully compliant Java EE 7 web application that demonstrates AngularJS v1.0 invoking JAX-RS remote service endpoints. I have recently upgraded the Gradle build system for Java EE 7 Developer Handbook to use […]

Digital Java EE 7 2016 Series 1 Episode 3 Windows 10 Gradle

29 February 2016 Comments off

1 minute


A few of you have been waiting for an instructional video for building the XenTracker application from my first book. XenTracker is a fully compliant Java EE 7 web application that demonstrates AngularJS v1.0 invoking JAX-RS remote service endpoints. I have recently upgraded the Gradle build system for Java EE 7 Developer Handbook to use […]

Whether using Spring Framework or not , why we are going to lose?

30 November 2015 Comments off

6 minutes


A couple of fays again, on the Twitter sphere, I saw blog post by Sam Atkinson called Why I hate Spring. This blog entry was written well over a year ago in 2014, but then DZone actually picked up on it and published it. Atkinson is developer actually at the time of writing is travelling […]

A Scala development task for ACME

26 November 2014 Comments off

1 minute


I recently took part in a Scala development task for ACME. I spent about a few hours over a weekend in mid November on it. I completed the task in Scala 2.11 and against the popular Drop Wizard IO project. It you are interested you can go and review the ACME Server project on Github […]

Book Signing for Chris Phelps at the JPR14

16 May 2014 Comments off

1 minute


This was one that almost got away. Chris Phelps from Boulder brought his copy of my Java EE 7 Developer Handbook to the JavaPosse Roundup 2014 in Crested Butte, Colorado. On the last morning of our merry gathering on the white snowy mountains, at the outgoing breakfast, I signed his book at Bruce Eckel’s house. […]

Getting a more updated GlassFish 4

25 February 2014 2 comments

1 minute


I was asked by someone where can they download GlassFish. Of course, I pointed them to the official website. The site was revised in time for the Java EE 7 last year, and when I recently the ask advice that I passed on, then I realize the server download is old. So do we get […]

My First Technical Book

29 October 2013 1 comment

1 minute


I arrived back in the UK after a trip to JavaOne and a tour of California. After hugs and kisses from family and dealing with other matter, there was package waiting in the hallway. I finally saw three copies of the Java EE 7 Developer Handbook. This is what crossing the finishing looks like in […]

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