Reading time:
4 minutes
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Some quick news and views I was completely taken back by the promotion by Tech Beacon: 39 Java experts that you should follow on Twitter. I have found in this industry especially that credit is rarely given, and if you luckily enough to be at the stage of life that someone else awards you with […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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Based the last blog entries: Part 1 and Part 2. This is tongue-in-check, however please read it and the last paragraph. Today, 19th July, I saw somebody had tweeted about Head Coach job specification for Belgium. Discover the desired profile of the new Belgian Red Devils’ head coach. – Experience and results in the currently […]
Reading time:
9 minutes
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Why aren’t you getting the best contractors and what can you do about it In Part 1, we look into the question of why companies suck at finding great contractors. We covered reviewing the genuine opportunity. We touched on why demand for great contractors outstrips the supply. We saw why TEST-FIRST recruitment is an abject […]
Reading time:
13 minutes
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Why aren’t you getting the best contractors and what can you do about it Part 1 If you are reading this article, the chances are you are a technical leader, a team manager or service delivery manager, and there is a probability that you are making mistakes finding the best contractors. The end result is […]
Reading time:
1 minute
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My publisher, Packt Pub, has very kindly proposed a promotional offer for both of my Java EE 7 e-books. You can get a copy of Digital Java EE 7 and Java EE 7 Developer Handbook now. OFFER: Buy either of the eBooks for 50% off and a 50% off on the purchase of both the […]
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1 minute
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Hi All My publisher, Packt Pubishing, has very kindly organised a 50% off sale promotion for my latest book Digital JavaEE 7 Web Application Development. To take advantage of this fabulous offer, follow this link [opens a new tab on the Packt Pub offer web site]. Actually, the Thanksgiving sale is from the […]
Reading time:
2 minutes
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In the future, you make your own or else somebody makes it for you. That’s my philosophy for things in life that you have control of. On the other hand, there are a lot of things that not in your control. It was General Eisenhower who said something about plans are useless, but planning is […]
Reading time:
5 minutes
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The Duke’s Street Cafe where engineers can have a hallway conversation on the street. Incompatible with contracting Photo License My photos are licensed under Creative Commons License 2.5. You must include the license. You must attribute the source. You cannot use my work, the source for commercial activities. You cannot edit or derive […]
Reading time:
5 minutes
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Photo License My photos are licensed under Creative Commons License 2.5. You must include the license. You must attribute the source. You cannot use my work, the source for commercial activities. You cannot edit or derive the source. For more information read the license or for enquiries contact me. JavaOne 2014 is my ten […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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Recently, I flicked through the faces of all of the presentations titles from Google I/O 2014 videos, I saw only one person who was black. She was from Ethiopia and was talking about a very worthy cause, solving the food shortage in Africa and making the cost of food production cheaper so that everyone could […]
Reading time:
1 minute
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My publisher Packt are celebrating 10 years of success with over 2000 Titles in its Library. To celebrate this huge milestone, Packt is offering all of its eBooks and Videos at just 10.00 USD each. You have the perfect opportunity to buy my Java EE 7 Developer Handbook. There you go 🙂 +PP+
Reading time:
1 minute
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This was one that almost got away. Chris Phelps from Boulder brought his copy of my Java EE 7 Developer Handbook to the JavaPosse Roundup 2014 in Crested Butte, Colorado. On the last morning of our merry gathering on the white snowy mountains, at the outgoing breakfast, I signed his book at Bruce Eckel’s house. […]
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