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3 minutes
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Here is an online programming problem that you could encounter when interviewing for a contract / permanent job. You have a Java developer environment with a unit test class DuplicateIntegersTest (JUnit 5) and you are using a Java 11 / Java 17. You have to write the logic that passes the following test. The exercise […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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Based the last blog entries: Part 1 and Part 2. This is tongue-in-check, however please read it and the last paragraph. Today, 19th July, I saw somebody had tweeted about Head Coach job specification for Belgium. Discover the desired profile of the new Belgian Red Devils’ head coach. – Experience and results in the currently […]
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1 minute
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Here it is, just in time for the weekend, a recording of the European JUG Leaders BOF from Devoxx 2013. Devoxx 2013 European JUG Leaders BOF from Peter Pilgrim on Vimeo. Enjoy 😉 PS: read up on my report to last November’s conference.
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Here are two well overdue video recordings of the Devoxx 2012 JUG Leader and Java Champions BOF from last November. Ooops! Sorry it has taken several months, but that is another story. The important things are the end results. There we go now: Part One Devoxx 2012 JUG Leaders BOF Part 1 from Peter […]
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1 minute
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I really apologise for being very late with this. Sorry about that. However, the European JUG Leaders BOF Video from Devoxx 2011 is finally here in all of its glory. Enjoy for real now Plus there is a more friendly URL PS: There JUG leaders here from North and South America, Africa […]
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4 minutes
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One of the greatest technology leaders that ever lived and probably ever walk this earth. RIP Steve Jobs, Apple Chairman and former CEO ( Applause ;-D *) Hewlett Packard –> Atari –> Apple –> Next –> Pixar –> Next –> Apple Quotes From Commencement Speech at Reed College “Sorry to […]
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In April, 2011, I received one morning an email from Simon Ritter one of Sun Microsystems long standing Java Evangelists and now Oracle. The message was an invitation to be a part of Java SE, Client Side Technologies, and Rich User Experiences track. The track included all JavaFX sessions submitted along with any other UI […]
Reading time:
5 minutes
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(PARENTAL GUIDANCE: THE BLOG ENTRY IS FOR THE OVER 18) Pick A Fight If a competitor sucks, say no. When you do that, you’ill find that others who agree with you will rally to your side. Being anti-laggard, anti-improvement, and anti-accepting-the-status-father-of-a-quo is a great way to differentiate yourself and attract followers. The song […]
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2 minutes
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boundaries exists Some boundaries are meant to be overcome. For example in the domain of software development and construction we look to bridging the interface between components, especially in architecture. The culture bounds of the software created lie in the boundaries of those who create it. Artificial boundaries enforced by organisations The first type […]
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5 minutes
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As I write this early in the morning I am really tired on being on the back side of what counts as information technology. Recently a friend asked me to simple two questions. I could not give a satisfactory answer. The questions were why are you (as in me) not yet a manager of a […]
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2 minutes
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— At this moment in the Java world, it looks fairly gloomy and desolate out there. There is not a lot of awful good news out there to be found. The paucity of good news seems to feel like the onset of the bubonic plague in London in the middle ages. To the majority, it […]
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Recently, I have been thinking about Java and Moving Beyond Java. I ruminated aloud in a couple of Audioboos and so here are a summarised listable version of these thoughts and ideas. Listen to AudioBoo: Moving Beyond Java on the JVM: To Be Or Not To Be Listen to AudioBoo: Investment Banks Moving Beyond Java? […]
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