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Building ScalaFX 1.0 with Gradle 1.1

28 August 2012 2 comments

2 minutes


After becoming a little disenchanted with the SBT for Scala, I wanted an alternative that was more logical, simpler to understand and had a better user experience. After all, the whole point of a domain specific language is to make the writing of the script, formulae or grammar to be affordable to the users. A […]

Code Anything At Will

25 August 2012 2 comments

1 minute


In this entry, I am handing over the natural keyboard to you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t fret. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about. Just take it and code something wonderful. Code something beautiful, mega-gorgeous, substantial. How about something profound, something that inspires you? Completely tear it up whilst you are in the zone, […]

Installation of LibreOffice 3.6

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1 minute


I recently had the pleasure of Installing Libre Office 3.6 on a recent Windows 64 bit system. First, I found it does install. If you have a previous Libre Office instance on the machine, the installer fails with a message like “stop the quickstarter before the installer can continue”. Can the installer not do this […]

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