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4 minutes
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My Predictions InfoQ (and my good friend Floyd Marinescu) has published my talk from the ACCU 2013Conference in Bristol. I made some predictions to growth of languages of the JVM in 2011. The growth of Scala the programming language is good and yet I see the interest is not quite exploding as I thought it originally […]
Reading time:
2 minutes
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Thanks to all of the organisers at the ACCU 2013 and to the people I met at the conference in Bristol. I only spent two days over in the West Country, and they were very enjoyable. Actually, I found the Marriott Bristol City Hotel as a great location, as it was nice to walk [at […]
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2 minutes
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I few shout out to wrap up my time at Oxford last week. Giovanni Asproni the outgoing ACCU conference person. Thank you for accepting my proposal Introduction to Scala. It was an honour Ewan Milne the former Chair of ACCU organisation Terry Neason for all of my presentation, performance and communication advice Kevlin Henney, top […]
Reading time:
7 minutes
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The Java software platform is now more diverse in terms of innovations and what is the next best thing. I just had brief overview view of the Ceylon JVM programming language. In my own view, this represents more evidence of a sea-change of thinking about Java the programming language. Figurehead and Leadership James Gosling was […]
Reading time:
5 minutes
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The Java software platform is now more diverse in terms of innovations and what is the next best thing. I just had brief overview view of Ceylon programming language. In my own view, this represents more evidence of a sea-change of thinking about Java the programming language. Figurehead and Leadership James Gosling was the long-term […]
Reading time:
12 minutes
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My week of Scala continues at the ACCU 2011 in Oxford. I will be here, incidentally, until Saturday lunchtime. At least that is the plan. The Stream First let me add some record of tweet to my presentation yesterday. You can also download my ACCU 2011 Introduction to Scala presentation direct from XeNoNiQUe. Otherwise […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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It is Wednesday 13th April 2011 and I am here at the ACCU 2011 Conference again in Oxford, England. It is great to back. The last time I was in Oxford for ACCU 2008, I gave a talk on JavaFX 1.1. This morning, I presented An Introduction to Scala: The Object Functional Programming Language. The […]
Reading time:
2 minutes
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Hey All I will giving a presentation at ACCU 2011 Conference in Oxford on 13th April: Introduction to Scala. The conference takes place in Oxford at the Barceló Hotel on the outskirts of the town. Registration is still open last time I check, so if you want to go then do it now. I examined […]
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