A Week In Scala: ACCU 2011
14 April 2011 2 comments
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4 minutes
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It is Wednesday 13th April 2011 and I am here at the ACCU 2011 Conference again in Oxford, England. It is great to back. The last time I was in Oxford for ACCU 2008, I gave a talk on JavaFX 1.1. This morning, I presented An Introduction to Scala: The Object Functional Programming Language. The responses have been very good so far:
@devpg: Listing to ‘Introduction to Scala’ at #accu2011 reminds me to use it in a project
@rachelcdavies: @peter_pilgrim enjoyed your talk. I’m new to Scala and this was just right for me. #accu2011
@TimPizey: Installing Scala after lightening introduction by Peter Pilgrim at #ACCU2011
@matty_jwilliam: @peter_pilgrim great talk today. Tonight has been all scala (and beer) #accu2011
@gasproni: @matty_jwilliams: @peter_pilgrim great talk today. Tonight has been all scala (and beer) #accu2011
@TimPizey: Day 1: java > 1.4 is a mess and is going to get worse, move to Scala or other JVM language as soon as you can. #ACCU2011
@russel_winder: All the JDK8 stuff is already in Groovy and Scala. #accu2011 #groovy
@ewan_milne: #accu2011 Intro to Scala – here’s the Fibonacci algorithm!
@lisacrispin: RT @peter_pilgrim As promised My latest SlideShare upload : #ACCU2011 Introduction to Scala: An Object Functional Lang… https://slidesha.re/hufsPG
The attendance was fairly good. There was no pressure then: Rachel Davies (agile coach), Kevlin Henney (consultant and top speaker) and Ewan Milne (ACCU Chair) were in attendance. The competition was Scott Meyers (C++0x10) and Jutta Eckstein (Agile software development). My Scala talk did not do too badly with this quality of simultaneously talks and their respective speakers.
I was pleased with the face-to-face feedback as well. Kevlin Henney was impressed by the description of the Scala type reference engine. Ewan liked it too. Delegates Michael from England and Khalid from Pakistan/Norway enjoyed the overall presentation for being just enough technical detail to be inspired to try Scala.
Here is my entire slide deck as promised on Slide Share:
You can download my PDF slides directly from XeNoNiQUe. I attempted to share with SlideShare web site however the conversion process they used washed all the nice beautiful colours on my slide deck. Boo!
(I welcome feedback of any sort. If you want this talk for your business, especially in London then hook me up)
This is My Week of Scala. You get out of the task exactly the proportion of result that you put into the plan. Next episode I will have more aggressive discussion on Beyond Java and stab at the history of how we got here.
Post addendum 1
Dinner was great. I joined fellow ACCU 2011 speakers, Schalk Cronje, Steven “Doc” List and Lisa Crispin for a short stroll to the nearby Plough pub, which is about 10 minutes walk from the Barcelo Hotel. The ACCU brings a different crowd. I was the first time I met Steven “The Doc” and Lisa. Steven ( Thoughtworks) had this great idea for Source Mastery Quest for gaining true experience and skills through crowd sourcing and peer recommendation and certification. Lisa talked about her experience in software development in Austin, Texas in the early 1980’s where everybody wrote the same code in the exactly the same style. Being an Agile tester she reminisced the old way was what we should be doing now in software development. Shalke (McAfee) I had met before at ACCU 2008 and other conferences, he tends not to do so much C++ development now these days. I think it is great to networking with new people, swap business cards and share ideas. The best ideas are those sometimes we have in those corridor moments, or conversation over a beer or glass of wine.
Post addendum 2
I managed not to sleep again. Woke up at 2:30AM because my iPhone buzzed. Oh yes. I had put in to a schedule “Richard Bair at the Silicon Valley JavaFX User Group”. Eight hours behind in time zone. I did watch the UStream.TV feed of the talk. JavaFX 2.0 is coming along nicely, the binding API worked very well. I can see this was true through the live coding demonstration on Richard’s MacBook Pro, and I have a good feeling about the new JavaFX Bean property models. The layout API is where action is needed next, because in the early access I have found it less understandable in comparison to the JavaFX Script 1.x releases. I am quite sure the FX SDK team are working hard on it as I type. Shout out to Stephen Chin and Jonathan Giles.