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Exploding Hyundai Tucson Sunroof 2023 E2 parts 1 , 2 and 3

24 January 2023 Comments off

2 minutes


Just like one of those old fashion vinyl records, do remember James Brown “Cold Sweat” parts 1 and part 2? So I recorded a very long second episode about my Hyundai Tucson Ultimate 2021 edition with expoding panoramic sunroof in not two, but three parts. This is because I respect you, your time, your effort […]

Open Letter to Driver Vehicle Safety Association about Exploding Panoramic Sunroof Glass (Hyundai Tucson Ultimate)

18 January 2023 Comments off

4 minutes


This is an open letter to the DVSA: Peter Pilgrim Milton Keynes, England Monday, 16th January 2023 Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency, Berkeley House, Croydon St, Bristol BS5 0DA Reference:  Exploding Sunroof Incident in Hyundai Tucson Dear Sir / Madam My name is Peter Pilgrim. I work as a senior manager at Cognizant UK, an […]

Hyundai Tucson Ultimate Panoramic Exploding Sunroof

13 January 2023 Comments off

2 minutes


On 30th December 2022, my partner and I were travelling from our home to Norfolk, Eastern coast of England. We reached the outskirts of Cambridge, just after 1pm, we heard a bang sound like a firework, a gunshot sound in our car. I jolted, because I was driving and luckily there were no other vehicles […]

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