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JavaCro 2014

15 April 2014 Comments off

1 minute


I will be seeing some Croatian friends in May in Porec, thanks to the organisers JavaCro 2014, who kindly sent an invitation to come and speak at their conference. I will give two talks: one keynote and a technical session. The working titles are Digital Development with Java EE and Mixing Scala with Java EE […]

European JUG Leaders BOF at Devoxx 2013

29 March 2014 Comments off

1 minute


Here it is, just in time for the weekend, a recording of the European JUG Leaders BOF from Devoxx 2013. Devoxx 2013 European JUG Leaders BOF from Peter Pilgrim on Vimeo. Enjoy 😉 PS: read up on my report to last November’s conference.

Devoxx 2011 Report

24 November 2011 15 comments

13 minutes


As my tardiness will allow, I have massive blog entry about Devoxx to write. I seem always write a week after the event, because there is so much happening. This year, I presented with Stephen Chin, a university session, three hours long about what a humble Java engineer needs to know about JavaFX 2.0, especially […]

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