Reading time:
6 minutes
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Very gratefully, I have good news. I have survived the great industry tech disruption 2023. I started a brand new role at Solirius Consulting LTD as a Principal Engineer. Solirius are an independent technology consultancy that supply advanced solution architectures to clients in the private and public sector. The last few months have been, shall […]
Reading time:
3 minutes
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Fake Jobs Fake jobs gives a bad name for the information technology contracting industry. It is just a scam to scavenge and harvest CVs from hapless developers, designers and architects and then to source the leads (human network communication) for recruitment agents. It starts for me, at least, with the recruiter refusing to give the […]
Reading time:
14 minutes
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“Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.” Steve Paul Jobs I attended many more sessions at JavaOne 2014 than I would have if I had to perform lots of sessions. This circumstance allowed me to relax, to put my feet up as it were. I spoke […]
Reading time:
5 minutes
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Photo License My photos are licensed under Creative Commons License 2.5. You must include the license. You must attribute the source. You cannot use my work, the source for commercial activities. You cannot edit or derive the source. For more information read the license or for enquiries contact me. JavaOne 2014 is my ten […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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Recently, I flicked through the faces of all of the presentations titles from Google I/O 2014 videos, I saw only one person who was black. She was from Ethiopia and was talking about a very worthy cause, solving the food shortage in Africa and making the cost of food production cheaper so that everyone could […]
Reading time:
1 minute
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#DontFallForThisOne This arrived is my Gmail inbox this afternoon. I had heard that some people were getting these mails; but I didn’t believe them until now. charles <> 14:36 (22 minutes ago) to me Hi As a result your application, I would like to invite you to attend an interview. You will have an interview […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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I have been going through my photographs from my October 2011 California trip. It is time to share and poke life. (See below for Dennis Ritchie) Here’s a guy that revolutionised the computer industry, the music industry, the motion picture industry, the telephone industry. There’s four, and maybe more. That’s impact. Robert Cringely […]
Reading time:
4 minutes
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One of the greatest technology leaders that ever lived and probably ever walk this earth. RIP Steve Jobs, Apple Chairman and former CEO ( Applause ;-D *) Hewlett Packard –> Atari –> Apple –> Next –> Pixar –> Next –> Apple Quotes From Commencement Speech at Reed College “Sorry to […]
Reading time:
2 minutes
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In the first three weeks of July, I was super-busy, so The Collective Summer Camp UK had to take a backseat while I sorted out stuff. I am still pushing on with this event. I believe definitely that we should have this style of event happening in the UK. We have create the flaming […]
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4 minutes
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@peter_pilgrim: Ow! I watched panorama via the iplayer finished at fifty and the future prospects were bleak @imccaffery: @peter_pilgrim i know the future is bleak i was on the programme British Television viewers are probably very familiar with Panorama, the investigative journal program on the terrestrial BBC ONE TV. I watched this […]
Reading time:
1 minute
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The market is dead. The brief flurry of activity in January and February is at an end. There is truly not a lot going on out there. I seem to have attracted some haters out there. Because I have been pushing Beyond Java, looking at innovation beyond Java the programming language, many folk seem to […]
Reading time:
2 minutes
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Today, I was at the wonderful and fabulous QCon London conference at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre. It was an absolute privilege to be there again. This is probably the best developer event in London aimed at corporate and professional engineers. I met some great people today, networked with a couple of German engineers […]
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