Reading time:
10 minutes
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The last day of QCon, Friday, had already started with a keynote, Resilient Response in Complex System, John Allspaw. The general advice was concentrate on recovery rather than attempting to avoid failure. The talk emphasized the need to train developers and operators in failure situation, following the model of military or emergency services. The […]
Reading time:
1 minute
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Today, I am at the final day of the QCon London 2012 conference in partuculary in the Scala and Functional Languages track. Philip Wadler gave an excellent presentation on functional programming and his belief about lambda calculas, mathematical formal logic and an advanced computer science. At the end of his talk, there was a lot […]
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1 minute
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As I write this, today is 29th February 2012, a leap year and day. Tomorrow will be first day of March, which also the same month that QCon London 2012 takes place. I was due to give an updated JavaFX tutorial, on the Tuesday university, but it did not work out in the time. I […]
Reading time:
3 minutes
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Today, I feel humbled to experience another QCon London conference. It is the fourth time I have been involved, and I consider it the biggest event in my home town. What were my favourite events and happenings at QCon? Meeting with the people and having inspired conservations about technology Meeting Wendy Devolder of SkillsMatter and […]
Reading time:
2 minutes
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Today, I was at the wonderful and fabulous QCon London conference at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre. It was an absolute privilege to be there again. This is probably the best developer event in London aimed at corporate and professional engineers. I met some great people today, networked with a couple of German engineers […]
Reading time:
1 minute
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Thursday 4:50PM March 11, 2011 is the date and time. Location is the Rutherford room at Queen Elizabeth II Centre. The occasion is QCon London 2011 conference. I will be joining the Patrick Curran, of the Java Community Process (The JCP) in a panel discussion. Patrick Curran is the chairman of the JCP, works in […]
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