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ACCU 2011 Introduction to Scala Talk

28 March 2011 Comments off

2 minutes


Hey All I will giving a presentation at ACCU 2011 Conference in Oxford on 13th April: Introduction to Scala. The conference takes place in Oxford at the Barceló Hotel on the outskirts of the town. Registration is still open last time I check, so if you want to go then do it now. I examined […]

Functional Exchange 2011 Lost and Refound?!

25 March 2011 Comments off

1 minute


Somehow my machine lost a blog entry on the Functional Exchange.  Anyway, better late than never ever. Audioboos Listen! Listen! Listen!   Pics Simon Peyton Jones     Sorry. My time is limited to recover the rest of this blog entry.

Cuke-Up 2011 Amazing Specifications By Example

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2 minutes


Wow! I was really amazed by today’s Coke-Up conference at Skills Matter. It was a worthwhile experience and it was great to meet some of the members. First, let me say it was a complete different crowd of Londoners and software developers than I was used to. Most of the folk in my network are […]

Cuke-Up Some Cucumbers

23 March 2011 Comments off

1 minute


You have probably guessed correctly. That’s right! I will be making a personal appearance at Skills Matter tomorrow for Cuke-Up, which is the one day conference about Cucumber BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) tool. Why am I investing time learning about Ruby testing tool? Well the answer is that many of Ruby’s goodness including RSpec have […]

Scala Swing REPL: Resolved

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4 minutes


Well after a night’s sleep and a good rest, which always sorts out the best engineers among us, I realised that the issue is my lack of brain cells on Scala’s Uniform Access Principle. If you noticed in yesterday’s program, the editor panes were created like this:- So I am sorry to say, there is […]

Swing Scala REPL: What Is Wrong Here?

22 March 2011 4 comments

3 minutes


  I just spent the best part of two hours attempting figure out an interactive REPL for Scala, a la the Groovy Console, but a very basic version. My progress has not been lightning fast. Why? I really do not understand why this code is not working at all. It is a Swing application to […]

Dead Market, Minds Full of Hate

1 comment

1 minute


The market is dead. The brief flurry of activity in January and February is at an end. There is truly not a lot going on out there. I seem to have attracted some haters out there. Because I have been pushing Beyond Java, looking at innovation beyond Java the programming language, many folk seem to […]

You Talk For Long Times: Tale of Two Agilities

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1 minute


Today, I know for a fact, that the market is dead. It is easy to see why it is, and why everyone involved agile or agility or so bloody confused.   The Tale of Two Agilities by Barry Hawkins, XtraNormals.    Explicit material over 16’s only: adult, swearing, alcohol We do Agile at my job […]

Functional Exchange At Skills Matter 18 March

17 March 2011 Comments off

2 minutes


After the my usual downbeats posts on Beyond Java on the JVM, I stumbled across Charles Nutter’s blog article [The Future Part One] again and reread it. The date on this article states April 2009 predates my own thinking on the Java platform, at that time, I was more interested in JavaFX Script version 1.1. […]

Deeply Worried Q1 – Q2

16 March 2011 2 comments

6 minutes


I have just had massive blow out. I seem to be fighting and arguing all the time now with close people near me. I feel ratty even talking to acquaintances. A turning point has been reach, and I honestly do not what on earth to do next about it. It would appear that investment banks […]

QCon London 2011 Experiences and Community

12 March 2011 Comments off

3 minutes


Today, I feel humbled to experience another QCon London conference. It is the fourth time I have been involved, and I consider it the biggest event in my home town. What were my favourite events and happenings at QCon? Meeting with the people and having inspired conservations about technology Meeting Wendy Devolder of SkillsMatter and […]

My Lightning Talks Videos from Java Posse RoundUp 2011

11 March 2011 Comments off

1 minute


After a very busy QConLondon 2011 this week, I almost forgot to mention that the lightning talks from JavaPosse Roundup were announced. I did to two lightning talks of five minutes long on Tuesday and Wednesday nights over in Crested Butte, Colorado. Gosh! It seems like a decade ago or a distance life already. I […]

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