Moving Beyond Java on the JVM: To Be Or Not To Be
21 December 2010 Comments off
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2 minutes
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Recently, I have been thinking about Java and Moving Beyond Java. I ruminated aloud in a couple of Audioboos and so here are a summarised listable version of these thoughts and ideas.

Listen to AudioBoo: Moving Beyond Java on the JVM: To Be Or Not To Be
Listen to AudioBoo: Investment Banks Moving Beyond Java? I Don’ Think So
- The Mother Language – Lingua franca of the Java Virtual Machine platform
- Java SE 7
- Java SE 8
- Work related. Programming language is risk-averse, it changes slowly and carefully. Oracle steward ensure that it is safe. Business owners and web site owners will be able hire or contract.
- A de-facto programming language for new learners, students of computer science
- Die-hard stalwarts can stick with Java the programming language, because eventually some of the benefits of the other languages could make it into Java ecosystem as frameworks and libraries
- Performance-related Java programming: There is a native-like programming approach for writing Java applications like they do C++ / Speed performance
Beyond Java on the JVM
- Neil Ford, Ted Newark and Myself are examples of external luminaries (the forces) that are telling you why you should be thinking about moving beyond Java
- Continued learning
- Reduction of Boilerplate (Almost all)
- Declarative programming (JavaFX Script)
- Ease-of-Development
- Dynamic typing (Groovy)
- Scripting language approach
- Closures (Almost all)
- Control abstractions (Scala)
- Improved concurrency models parallel algorithms, actor, CSP and software transactional memory
- Better simple abstract data types (case classes and objects in Scala)
- Better language support for immutable object (@Immutable in Groovy)
- Better annotations (Groovy has loads)
- Some languages support an object functional approach (Scala, Groovy, Fantom)
- Other object functional languages may support Higher order functions (Scala, Clojure)
General behaviour, psychology within the movement of herds "staying up to date and getting good".The decision is yours in 2011