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The Future – No more writing books for me anymore – Not fun

26 October 2015 Comments off

2 minutes


In the future, you make your own or else somebody makes it for you. That’s my philosophy for things in life that you have control of.

On the other hand, there are a lot of things that not in your control. It was General Eisenhower who said something about plans are useless, but planning is everything.  I seem to write better prose when I have emotions running through my system. Maybe I have a tiny bit of Toni Morrison about me. She, of course, is an award-winning Nobel Laurette, driven by frustration, anger in her life, her intense and incredible observation of human behaviour and a keen eye on the body and soul. Morrison exercises supreme control of that anger,  she is precise, contrite, romantic and a vision of the moral tale. I am just a technical author and yet I find and respect other great writings with fictional prose with deep hidden meaning.  I really loved Nile Rodger’s fantastic autobiography. (The book’s photograph inspired my blog site:) I also need that feeling of belonging and cause. Therefore, planning to write is useless for me. I just write when I feel. I write and involved my contracting and work experience. I found my style in my second book. I learnt enough about my delicate psyche to know that I need that thing called core passion, the belief in the technology, subject matter in order to write brilliantly about it.

This day I announce that I will not write any more long form books. This Digital Java EE 7 book is my last book. This may be disappointing for some, or even surprising to many kind readers. I care about the new experienced engineers attempting to the build a career in Java community, much like I did nearly 17 years ago. However, this time, I am let down by plans that never came to fruition, not once, but twice. You know what some might say about. Once is accident, Twice is clearly deliberate, and third …  no it is not for me. I will never allow myself get tricked or fooled in this effort ever again. Sorry about that at JavaOne and all my followers and my readers.



Peter Pilgrim




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