Digital Development Java EE 7 Workshop – London – June 2016 – Agenda
04 May 2016 Comments off
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Several people have wondered about workshop / training course on Java EE 7 development with a modern web architectural focus, in particularly, I know some people have asked for information on building sustainable and adaptive software digitally.
I am announcing a two day training course in London on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June 2016 course. The content is loosely based on my recent book Digital Java EE 7. Attendance is limited. It runs just before Devoxx UK conference. If you are attending in London, you could be also interested in this workshop / training course. I will know need to the relative attendee number of interested / registered ASAP in order to fire ahead and book the venue please. So please get in touch very soon.
Book signing at Devoxx UK 2014 organised by the Java Community Process
London Workshop Agenda
Here is the prototypical agenda:-
- This so-called Digital New World Order
- Java EE Fundamentals Modern digital web architecture
- Inversion of control including CDI Interceptors
- Writing controllers
- Java EE Persistence Transactions
- Remote Endpoints
- Java RESTful Services including JAX-RS
- WebSocket
- Testing Java EE code like a Pro
- Integration testing
- View Technology
- HTML5 and CSS
- JavaServer Faces, Facelets and UI templating
- Bean Validation
- Client side Validation
- AJAX Fundamentals
- Modern JavaScript and JavaScript Frameworks
- Single page architecture applications
- Java EE 8 MVC
- Professionalism in IT
- Hints and tips on dealing with Agile business in your team
- Dealing with fearless change and “how to keep on getting good”
- Coping with failing Agile project with a big “A”
- Essential architecture and principles
- The road to Micro-services Architecture through Components
Cost and Price
The workshop costs £299.99 excluding VAT (United Kingdom 20% tax) per day. This is the introductory offer (NEW LOWER PRICE)! I will need to have at least three delegates to confirm the training course. There are 10 places to secure, first come, first served. Please contact me or register with me on peter (dot) pilgrim (at) gmail (dot) com for further information. You will need to bring your own professional grade workstation laptop. I would strongly suggest the following profile: Microsoft Windows 7 or 10, Apple Mac OS X Yosemite or better; or working modern Linux
I am the author two books available from Packt Publishing:
- Digital Java EE 7 Web Application Development – modern Java UI development with a focus on the digital transformation (October 2015)
- Java EE 7 Development Handbook – essential coverage of the enterprise edition platform from the point of view of the server-side engineer (September 2013)
I am of course the instructor of the course and a Java Champion #91. I have been developing professional Java software since 1997/1998. I am also VAT registered with a trading UK limited company.
Standing with Mark Reinhold, the architect of the Java platform
The 555 timer was and is an silicon integrated circuit (IC) chip with eight pins. It was popular for beginners, secondary school children and undergraduate students learning about practical electronics in the 1970s and 1980s. Originally invented by Hans Camenzind, in 1971 if was the one of the best loved devices, because it was economical, general and versatile oscillator and a great little electronic timer, built by Texas Instruments. The 555 Timer IC was so great that other manufacturers copied its design, there was a even model produced in the USSR behind the iron-curtain at the height the Cold War.
The timer chip was able to produce sound through an oscillator, transistor amplifier and a small 3″ loudspeaker. The timer acted as a very sensitive a switch through a bistable circuit called a Schmidt Trigger, you build an elementary burglary alarm with a photoelectric resistor. The timer chip could even count button presses one by one and if you wired it up specially through special breadboard you could create your microelectronic “disco” with red LED lights. The 555 IC was fun to experiment with, and it was terrific for electronics novices like me. Once upon I time, I was also a beginner. That is the entire point of the reminiscence and also the price of the workshop/course.
Amazingly, the 555 is s still available, it is still being manufactured in the 21st century, so you can still buy one for about £1.50p from several online electronic stores. The BBC produces a design and technology description of the 555’s internal operations. Go and find your inner electronics dreams!
I’m standing next to a genius, James Gosling, the Father of Java, the man responsible for all of our professional working lives.
+PP+ 2016
Al Coda