Book Signing for Chris Phelps at the JPR14
16 May 2014 Comments off
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This was one that almost got away. Chris Phelps from Boulder brought his copy of my Java EE 7 Developer Handbook to the JavaPosse Roundup 2014 in Crested Butte, Colorado. On the last morning of our merry gathering on the white snowy mountains, at the outgoing breakfast, I signed his book at Bruce Eckel’s house.
Here is Chris Phelps with my book:
“Thanks for your support, Chris”
By the way, this news broke last weekend before I flew out to Croatia: an edition of JavaPosse Roundup is now coming to the UK on the Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th of June 2014: JPR UK 14. I encourage you to enrol and make the London edition of the Round Up truly terrific.
Sadly, I am unlikely to make it to JPR UK 14 myself, because of the contracts that I am presently working on. I guarantee that you will learn a lot from other developers, designers and architects, and most of all, you will learn a new idea or two and directions to take your career into the bright future. I will leave you with a picture of the JPR 14 in Colorado.
JavaPosse Roundup opening ceremony (Dick Wall, center)