PPJWT Countdown Day 1 – You Drive Control
22 April 2021 Comments off
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PPJWT Countdown Day 1 – “Yo Drive Control”
Release day is nearly upon us. This is a short extract of my 2020 / 2021 video online course. It’s very nearly is there, I promise.
To be really honest, this video course is already three months late. I am disappointed by timekeeping, but I realise this course, this project took effort and it feels similar to writing a book. I intended to finish the entire course by the end of January 2021. Yet I never got there, because of change of work status. I was a contractor, a proper one, not a “permietractor”. I had a UK Limited Company (LTD), a Personal Service (PSC) legal entity tax vehicle, I could claim business expenses, including Adobe Creative Cloud subscription and then IR35 hit. I will not bore you all off with the stupid details. Instead, just search the Interwebs on “Off Payroll Worker UK”, if you can be bothered. I became a walk-in title Senior Manager at a global consultancy. As I write this in April 2021, UK contracting is on its knee and so I gave it up to become full time employed. I am very grateful to find salaried employment, but it is fascinating to witness how the flexible workforce has had both legs shot away from underneath it, especially during a global pandemic, however please excuse me for discussing whataboutery.
I produced this non-technical video course to pass my information technology knowledge in the industry. So much of “Tech” is about people, culture and autonomy. It is a huge error in your thinking, if you only assume that knowing the latest and greatest stack will keep you free, young, independent and secure in any job or role. It really is up to you. It is personal. It is drives performance.
How to Improve Your Personal Performance in Java work Technology? (video course as known as PPJWT)
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