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Digital Java EE 7 Training Series 1 Episode 8 parts III and IV

04 September 2017 Comments off

1 minute


Digital Java EE 7 Training Series 1 Episode 8 part III

In this episode I discuss modern microservices with Payara and RESTful services. I look at the code to develop a RESTful resources of football stadia and their teams.



This is part 3

Digital Java EE 7 Training Series 1 Episode 8 part 3 from Peter Pilgrim on Vimeo.



And this is part 4

DJE7_SE1_E8-4 from Peter Pilgrim on Vimeo.



Ladies and gentlemen, comments, suggestions and feedback are always more than welcomed. So please let me know what you think, if you have anything to say. Share and retweet. Thank you!



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