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A Remedy for the Typesafe Activators messes up my Cygwin terminal

15 June 2015 Comments off

1 minute


Using the Type Activator activator command causes the terminal to become invisible.
This bug actually existed in Play Framework 2 and even earlier. It is still around today and it is really annoying
when using Cygwin Terminal!

My solution is to write a custom BASH script called myactivator:

myname=`basename $0`
## PrefixCmd='echo =>'
${PrefixCmd} trap "stty erase" EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM SIGHUP
${PrefixCmd} activator "$@"
${PrefixCmd} stty sane
echo "Exit Status: $status"
exit $status

My script wraps the Typesafe activator shell script and when it terminates, it resets the UNIX terminal to a sane state again.
Place this in your ~/bin folder and add the folder to your PATH environment variable.
You also need to make sure it is runnable with chmod 755 ~/bin/myactivator.

Now you can type myactivator clean and myactivator test, etc


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