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Favourite Linux and Unix Bash Aliases

29 June 2012 Comments off

3 minutes


I first got involved with commercial UNIX in the early 1990s. It was fascinating experience on Sun Microsystems SunOS 4.1.3, if memory serves. Even before that professional development, I learnt a lot about UNIX and C at university in my fourth year of the degree course. Yet it was my first work experience at a small start up in joint-venture start-up in Southern Germany that got me hooked into UNIX and its open philosophy. It was there at the JV, I learnt about GNU Emacs, the Free Software Foundation, and spent endless hours programming in C, and building, compiling and installing the GNU Compiler myself, GCC and G++. Fun times were had with OSF Motif and X Windows Toolkit development, which I suppose were one of the long ancestors of modern JavaFX graphical user interface engineering. In those heady days of native C programming, little did I know at the time that somebody was writing a byte-code virtual machine with a garbage collector, and another group of clever people were developing a portable, network-enabled, multiple thread enabled, and security conscience programming language close to the C language. I do so ever digress.

I developed the following bundle of Bash Aliases over a couple of decades now. They came from other developers, administrators and tips from popular UNIX / C books and the Internet. Some of these were inspired by situations that I faced on various systems.

Here is a smaller subsection of bash login script:

set -o emacs
# Do not exit on EOF. To exit the shell type `exit'
set -o ignoreeof
# Do not allow output redirection (>) to overwrite an existing file
set -o noclobber
# set the core limit
ulimit -c 10240

set history=100
set savehist=50

## export LDFLAGS='-lpthread'
## Slackware: export LS_OPTIONS='--8bit --color=tty -F -b -T 0'
## export LS_OPTIONS='--color=tty -F -b --author'
export LS_OPTIONS='--color=tty -F'

# Aliases
alias ls="/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS"
alias ll='ls -l'
alias lsd='ls -ld'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lf='ls -F'
alias lr='ls -alFRt'
alias lx='ls -xF'
alias llar='ls -laFR'
alias lt='ls -lartF'
alias lrt='ls -lrt'

alias home='cd ${HOME}'
alias up='cd ..'
alias pe='printenv'
alias senv='env | sort'
alias pu='pushd'
alias po='popd'
alias pud='pushd .'
alias rot='pushd +1'
alias jobs='jobs -l'
alias mroe=more
alias lses=less
alias lsse=less
alias l=ls
alias f=file
alias c=cat
alias m=more
alias j=jobs
alias k=kill
alias d=dirs
alias h=history
alias his=history
alias hm='history | less'
alias sy3='sync; sync; sync; echo "sync 3 times ..."'
alias del='rm -i'
alias bye=exit
alias ciao=exit

alias vibashpro='vi ~/.bash_profile'
alias rebashpro='. ~/.bash_profile'

PS1="`whoami`@`hostname` [\$HISTCMD] > "
export PS1

These are part of my developer toolbox.

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