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The Collective Summer Camp UK

01 July 2011 Comments off

4 minutes



Hi Everyone!

I am sorry if this has taken longer to announce than when I first tweeted it on Twitter on Sunday 25th August 2011.

I am organising the first Collective Sumer Camp UK, which inspired by my experience of attending the JavaPosse Round Up for three years in a row (2009, 2010, and 2011). The Round-Up is an open space technology conference created by The Java Posse, four experienced Java developers and designers, famous in the community, who have a regular podcast, and also long time technical book author and thinker, Bruce Eckel. The Round-Up is a normally a five day event and takes place in Crested Butte, Colorado. Very recently, the Round-Up expanded to Summer Programming Camp.

I had a lot of fun attending the Round-Ups, as you can see here and here. I thought and asked the question, why can we not doing something similar to the Round-Up here in the UK? Why not? Indeed.

Let us do it, instead of dreaming about it! Here is an audio-boo, which I recorded a few days ago, that has my essential ideas. I apologise here if it is a bit rambling or fast.

Announcing "The Collective Summer Camp UK": Rock Bottom Reached (mp3)



Let us go for the low-to-medium risk. We scope the requirements small in order to delivery the best result.



I have tentatively called it THE COLLECTIVE for a very good reason. I am personally no longer in the business of organising or running user groups. I am in the business of networking with other people, getting functional programming adopted in the industry, and welcome continuous learning. We are called THE COLLECTIVE of Java platform, who are about pushing it forward.



The content of the open space conference is up to those who attend. However, I strongly feel that we should be learning and educating ourselves about Functional Java, Scala, Clojure, JRuby and Groovy.



Because we only a full Saturday. I thought it would be best to split the day into two halves. In the morning we have the open space sessions, then we would break for lunch. In the afternoon, we can have programming exercise for the new JVM language and /or including functional Java. (I went to the London Clojure Dojo on Tuesday night, and it was really well run and a good experience. I should like to model these Dojos for the Saturday afternoon [Experts or advanced coaches / users should apply w/ interest!] ).



You will find a Google Form to register your interest in The Collective Summer Camp. Thank you!



The day of the Conference will be a Saturday either 30th July, 6th August or 13th August. It will be full day. See the registration and survey form.



The UK is going through the most dire and severe economic recessions at the moment. So I understand many of you, like me, do not have loads of money. The Collective Summer Camp UK ought be low cost. However, we cannot expect every single event to be a free ride. Someone or something has to be paid for their time and effort. Venue and location to be decided. The money goes to the organisation and any thing left over will go to food, pizza and soft drinks, and we can decide what to do with the rest of the money, like donate it charity or something.


#CollectiveSummerCampUK and includes #BeyondJava, #ScalaLang, #Clojure, #Groovy, etc .

Please retweet #CollectiveSummerCampUK and self-promote the event.



I need at least 25 people to register to make the event viable. Please your register interest for the event with the Google Form.


I need help to organise this event. Please enquire with your ideas today!


That is it for now. I am so pleased to come out of stealth-mode. The next bit will be to decide on venue, which most likely looks like most people like central London and that will drive the cost. Stay tuned. +PP+

Twitter: @peter_pilgrim or electronically at peter dot pilgrim at gmail dot com

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