Angry Monday, 7th March 2011
07 March 2011 Comments off
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I got really pathetic bad news today from [SIDWELL AND GIEEVES]. The answer was a resounding no, we won’t be pursuing this application further. The reasons given was 1) My desire to pursue Beyond Java 2) Lack of Technical Depth at the Java EE and 3) My desire to have Agility or pursue Agile. What the fuck?! I was really angry today. [DELETED] I was perplexed by the technical depth bit, what did I not answer in that interview [DELETED]. The only thing I can think of was my answer on global transactions on message queues, and JDBC connection on a web logic server. Well buck them all. They really do not know what they missing out on. I have SCEA accreditation from 2007. Idiots! I know bucking Java EE, even I cannot remember every single flying buck about a bucking application server or how it was bucking configured. A couple of Audio Boo done today. Had a chat with fellow conspirators [CHARLES and SHEEN] later in the day. They are also going through a hellish job search process that leaves much to be desired.
Lesson: I have to park my anger to the side.
Bright spark: downloaded the JavaFX 2.0 SDK Early Access release 16 today. It is getting better and the API has changed. ObservableValue interface yes that makes a lot more sense.