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Responses to a JavaFX Developer Guide: Devoxx 2011

18 November 2011 1 comment

6 minutes


I gathered the twitter responses to Stephen Chin and I, for our Devoxx University: A JavaFX Developer Guide on Tuesday. Thank you all for the kind responses, I searched using the term “Devoxx” and “JavaFX” on Twitter.


Public Responses

@Jakob48Skov Jakob Skov
#Devoxx #JavaFX Mobile = where the action is at, get moving JavaFX!

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"You are very much welcome! RT @celine_va: That Peter Pilgrim fellow sure likes doing presentations #javafx #devoxx"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"Christopher Oliver on JavaFX: At the end of the day0xE2 0x80 0xA6 #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@Sharat_Chander Sharat Changle
"Waiting with anticipation to hear @steveonjava and @peter_pilgrim give their #JavaFX talk at #devoxx tomorrow. Should be a showstopper!"

@areljantweats Karel-Jan Misseghers
"at #devoxx, waiting 4 @peter_pilgrim and @steveonjava ‘s presentation on #JavaFX 2.0"

@reginatb38 ReginaTenBruggencate
"Sitting in the #javafx talk with @steveonjava and @peter_pilgrim #devoxx"

@thecoda Kevin Wright
"@steveonjava and @peter_pilgrim now talking on #javafx at #devoxx. Knowing Peter, I anticipate some #scala too :)"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"@MrBrown_K Congratulations on winning the SunSPOT! #Devoxx"

@reginatb38 ReginaTenBruggencate
"follow @steveonjava while he holds his #javaFX talk #devoxx he will tweet during his talk"

@celine_va Céline Van Acker
"At this rate we´ ll be abe to fit our source code in a tweet #javafx #devoxx"

@celine_va Céline Van Acker
"That Peter Pilgrim fellow sure likes doing presentations #javafx #devoxx"

@javaclimber Kevin Nilson
"@steveonjava and peter great #javafx talk at #devoxx"

@ponkiez Sander Tirez
"@steveonjava: The WebView let0xE2 0x80 0x99s you embed HTML5 content in your JavaFX app #Devoxx #JavaFX" Cool stuff

@MrBrown_K Koen Bruyndonckx
"@MrBrown_K good to be at #devoxx #javafx"

@MrBrown_K Koen Bruyndonckx
"@reginatb38: RT @steveonjava: Prefer JavaFX Properties #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@jospotargent Jos Potargent
‘"Bob’s your uncle". I love Peters’ way to show how straightforward things are in #javafx at #devoxx’

@html5guy HTML5 Guy
"The WebView let0xE2 0x80 0x99s you embed HTML5 content in your JavaFX app #Devoxx #JavaFX: The WebView let0xE2 0…"

@lospaul Torben Torbsen
"Can`t wait to see #JavaFX for Linux at #Devoxx 2012"

@pjvanaeken Pieter-Jan Van Aeken
"@lospaul: Can`t wait to see #JavaFX for Linux at #Devoxx 2012" -> not to mention a fully functional mac version"

@Arvraepe Arne Van Raepenbusch
"@steveonjava the using #rss [#css] in #javafx sample seems interesting! #devoxx"

@pjvanaeken Pieter-Jan Van Aeken
"the accordeon layout looks great and is surprisingly simple! The #JavaFX talk at #devoxx continues to be a great discovery"

@Mrxjn Mark Dechamps
"Bit of a slow start but #javafx now at full speed at #Devoxx ! Nice :)"

@Arvraepe Arne Van Raepenbusch
"@DarthBo @steveonjava even friends are getting excited 😀 javafx has some nice features! #javafx #devoxx"

@DarthBo Tibault Damman
"Wow, this #JavaFX is pretty cool! #Devoxx #sendmefreestuff"

@Arvraepe Arne Van Raepenbusch
"Ready for the second part of #JavaFX controls! @steveonjava #devoxx"

@pjvanaeken Pieter-Jan Van Aeken
"@steveonjava: Which do you prefer, builder or imperative syntax? #Devoxx #JavaFX" -> definitely the builder pattern. It looks very clean.

@stesieber Stefan Sieber
"I like the binding in JavaFx 2.0 it looks clean… even in Java. Maybe good for enterprise apps? @steveonjava #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@dooAppFX dooApp FX
"Great! New feature in JavaFX 2.0 – Observable Maps! #Devoxx #JavaFX (via @steveonjava)"

@Arvraepe Arne Van Raepenbusch
"Binding looks really easy and useful! @steveonjava #javafx #devoxx"

@pjvanaeken Pieter-Jan Van Aeken
"After a few basics, the demo action has started at #JavaFX #devoxx , this is surprisingly simple.. And Swing compatible!!"

@MrBrown_K Koen Bruyndonckx
"@steveonjava #javafx #devoxx cool, saw the SunSpot keynote at javapolis a couple of years ago :-)"

@Mini_Ananas Waudru Volders
"Second day @ #devoxx following #javafx in room 4. Seems interesting."

@hanevel Robin van Riel
"JavaFX 2.0 talk by @steveonjava and @peter_pilgrim. So far so good! #devoxx"

@stesieber Stefan Sieber
"ScalaFX example beats the pants of the original Java Builder version of the JavaFX Application by @steveonjava #devoxx #scala #scalafx"

@FredericVL F. Van Linthoudt
"Some nice stuff you can do with #JavaFX #Devoxx #teaser"

@celine_va Céline Van Acker
"Another year before Linux support? 🙁 #devoxx #javafx"

@JoeriOfTheYear joeri verlooy
"That android flash book sure does look nice! Now let’s see what we can learn here. 🙂 #devoxx #javaFX"

@stijndepestel Stijn De Pestel
"Wow, #JavaFX will open a new programming world for me! #Devoxx"

@reginatb38 ReginaTenBruggencate
"Sitting in the #javafx talk with @steveonjava and @peter_pilgrim #devoxx"

@kareljantweats Karel-Jan Misseghers
"at #devoxx, waiting 4 @peter_pilgrim and @steveonjava ‘s presentation on #JavaFX 2.0"

@SvenBeeckman Sven Beeckman
"#Devoxx day 2, starting with #JavaFx"

@z17bbarb Benjamin Barbier
"JavaFX 2.0 – A Java Developer’s Guide – Devoxx 2011 -Devoxx"

@stijndepestel Stijn De Pestel
"Starting second #Devoxx day starts with JavaFX. Later on some more #Android and the new #JDK7. Shame it’s the last day…"

Tweets by Stephen Chin

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"JavaFX supports Windows, Mac OS X (preview) and Linux (2012) #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"For examples of skinnable controls check out the JFXtras project: #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"You can consume events to stop bubbling up the hierarchy #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"BorderPane gives preference to top/bottom over right/left #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"Box Container Demo code can be found on @peter_pilgrim 0xE2 0x80 0x98s blog: #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"GridPane is powerful, but only rewards those who learn its intricacies #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"Prefer JavaFX Properties #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"Properties in GroovyFX as simple as: @FXBindable String firstName #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"The JavaFX ListView can handle millions of rows performantly #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@steveonjava Stephen Chin
"Trees in JavaFX can dynamically load data as you expand #Devoxx #JavaFX"

My Tweets

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
":-( Good UI need live demos RT @SvenNB: We all know POJO, but this was new POSGN – Plain Old Scene Graph Node #javafx #devoxx"

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"A component is an encapsulation that binds a set of nodes with the operations that act on those nodes #Devoxx #JavaFX"

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"I repeat, We WANT LINUX JavaFX 2.0 yesterday 😉 RT @reginatb38: RT @lospaul: Can`t wait to see #JavaFX for Linux at #Devoxx 2012"

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"You are very much welcome! RT @celine_va: That Peter Pilgrim fellow sure likes doing presentations #javafx #devoxx"

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"Congrats!! RT @MrBrown_K: @steveonjava: Woohoo i won the SunSpot thanks to the #JavaFX session at #Devoxx :-))"

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"Audioboo: Preparation for JavaFX University Talk at Devoxx 2011 #antwerp #devoxx #java #javafx #talk"

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"Thanks! RT @Sharat_Chander: Waiting with anticipation to hear @steveonjava and @peter_pilgrim give their #JavaFX talk at #devoxx tomorrow."

@peter_pilgrim peter_pilgrim
"@steveonjava and I were working on our JavaFX Developer Guide presentation this morning at #Devoxx"


The slide deck, by the way, for our joint presentation: A JavaFX 2.0 Developer Guide is available from Slide Share. Stephen uploaded it a couple of days ago.

To provide any comments, do not hesitate, let us both know. Thank you.

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