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Dead Market, Minds Full of Hate

22 March 2011 1 comment

1 minute


The market is dead. The brief flurry of activity in January and February is at an end. There is truly not a lot going on out there.

I seem to have attracted some haters out there. Because I have been pushing Beyond Java, looking at innovation beyond Java the programming language, many folk seem to be upset about this. The next time you see me, please feel free, if you want to cross the street and walk on the other side of the road. I see you though. Of course I can see you creeping and scurrying in the dark alleys of tech town. I simply do not have time for minds full of hate. However you have a right to choose hate for your heart. It is sad, but true.

Here is the news: Innovation will be happening whether you like it or not. You may not be agreeable to it, or it might actually believe that Beyond Java is too risky for you or you cannot afford it now. This moving feast is happening and it is on the road. Tough.

1 Comment

  1. After our e-mail discussion I went back and took another look at Scala.

    There are lots of things in there to make life easier for maintenance Java people. You are spot on with your assertion.

    However, there seem to be a lot of other things in there (some interesting syntax choices) that don’t fit well with long term maintenance. Getting enough people in with the requisite skills and motivation is really really hard. Scala has the best shot out there to supplementing Java (well… up there with Groovy), but it will be a long long haul to get there.

    Comment by John — 22 March 2011 @ 5:12 pm

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