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Book Review of Arquillian Testing Guide by John D. Ament

02 June 2013 Comments off

5 minutes


Here is a review of Arquillian Testing Guide by John D. Ament published by Packt Publishing. Before I give my opinion of his book, let me first make a disclaimer. I am also a Packt Pub author. I am the author of the up and coming Java EE 7 Developer Handbook (September 2013). Mr Ament […]

Devoxx UK: Test-Driven Development with Java EE 7, Arquillian and Embedded Containers

27 March 2013 Comments off

2 minutes


Thank you all for attending my Devoxx UK 2013 presentation earlier today: Test-Driven Development with Java EE 7, Arquillian and Embedded Containers. It was a total honour to be at the first United Kingdom franchise. I am very proud to have served the community. Here is the Slidedeck for the talk: Devoxx UK 2013 Test-Driven […]

A Groovy Script to Keep The Internet Cafe’s WIFI Alive

26 October 2012 Comments off

2 minutes


Have you ever been to an Internet Cafe and connected to the free WIFI? Have you found that after five minutes of activity the connection has been dropped and you have go through the License and Terms of Agreement again and again and again? Annoying isn’t. Well after expiring this at Charlotte Airport in the […]

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