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Building ScalaFX 1.0 with Gradle 1.1

28 August 2012 2 comments

2 minutes


After becoming a little disenchanted with the SBT for Scala, I wanted an alternative that was more logical, simpler to understand and had a better user experience. After all, the whole point of a domain specific language is to make the writing of the script, formulae or grammar to be affordable to the users. A […]

ScalaFX A Walk Through

05 November 2011 2 comments

1 minute


In this video cast, I walk you through downloading ScalaFX and setting up the environment for IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 with Scala Build Tool (SBT) in real-time.     ScalaFX is a domain specific language and binding framework written in Scala that wraps the JavaFX 2.0 application programming interface. Information of Scala Build Tool can be […]

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